Thursday, December 3, 2009

Once Upon A December

I thought I wouldn't be as busy as all the big plans and events had already passed.
Eidl Fitr last September, my eldest sister got married last October, my youngest sister underwent a major spinal operation, Eidl Adh last week~

I'm hundred miles away from mom and dad, make it a lot harder financially and totally time consuming.
I thought November came and wrapped them all up.
I was clearly, wrong!

December is more hectic and usual.
I have literally no time to focus on playing new songs for my keyboard lessons, and no time to read books I borrowed from my mom.

I am busy squeezing myself into doing two different jobs: my full-time QA job at my office and doing a part time tutor for 2 school boys.
Tutoring isn't easy.
I need to find materials for each class.
And being very particular about detailing, I am constantly wasting my time to google up good materials for the classes.
Oh well the first discussion would be about football.
Let the boys warm up with a topic they love the most.
And Shakira.
gah, I need to google on that one!

I also need to plan for a quick farewell vacations with my two good friends, as I am leaving the company early January.
We're going to Melaka and again, I am driving. More than 600km this time.
Poor my car~ It travels so far and so frequent I started to worry about its performance.

I also need to study on my new company. I need to start fresh without being totally empty.
At least I know something.
At least I am ready.

*Sigh. Need to stop here.
Gotta get back to home, cooking and practising 'Hello' on my keyboard.
I have a long day tomorrow, sending my car to workshop, meeting up a labor officer discussing about my fucked up employer who used us as money machine (longgg story) and settling up some issues with EPF, and a class with my 2 new students.

What a life!

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