Sunday, November 8, 2009

Review: Jennifer's Body

Date: 7th Nov 2009
Time: 9.55 pm

When my friend Kourtney break the news that she cancelled our karaoke's plan, I wasn't at all surprised. It was very typical for her to do so. Promise-breaker. To apologise, she said she'll treat us (me and Jane) for movie, since we haven't done it for a while. But being 'Kourtney'~ she only paid for 2 tickets, and asked us to forked our money out to pay for the third tickets.
Jane said she's outta cash, so that leaves me to dug in to my wallet.
Typical friends of mine.

Back to the review, all I can say is :

Thumbs up:
Fast-moving and full of surprises.
You might never know what's gonna happen next.
Plus, Megan Fox looks REALLY2 hot in the movie, hands-down.
Amanda Seyfried is a great actress, she really knows how to play a dorky-sweet-nerdy girl who obeyed her gorgeously-evil best friend.
Is that Adam Brody? Jeezz~ I can hardly tell.... he's awesome though.

Thumbs down:
Too many sex scenes, too many kissing scenes, too sexual.
One scene of heavy French kiss will do, too much will make this movie lost it's charm and sophistication, trust me.
Needy (Amanda Seyfried) got a clear vision of Jennifer (Megan Fox) basically 'eating' a guy from their school exactly during her first sexual encounter with her boyfriend.
And it's a very long scene that's pretty much seems empty to me.
I was hoping to see Jennifer (Megan Fox) to be able to think clearly and go haunts the band instead of hunting boys.

Anyhow, the movie was worth watching. Even with these two friends I got.

Rate: 3.5/5 Stars. Watch it in cinema. DVD version might not give the same creepy impact.

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